Short :
Français --------Vous pouvez adapter le script "" afin de compléter l'installation.
Des scripts sont disponibles dans le dossier "tools", ils sont copié dans /usr/local/bin/ dans l'image. \( xfce, lxqt, plasma, ...) voir les métapaquetages disponibles dans "Environnement graphique" dans le gestionnaire de logiciels.
Choose the config dir you need (rpi or xu4), else create a new config directory with "mageia4arm.cfg.template" in and modify it as you need.
By default username is "pi" with password "raspberry" and root password is "piroot". --all --config <your config dir>
Example given :
su -
<root password>
cd /home/user/workspace/mageia4arm/
./ --all --target bananaPro --size 4 --tainted --nonfree --build-path ./build --config bananaPro 2>&1 | tee -a ./build.log
With such command, all steps of the build process for the bananaPro will be executed. The final image will fit into a 4 GB SD card. The nonfree and tainted repositories will be activated. The build path will be the directory ./build. Finaly, the configuration is for bananaPro. The rest of the command, 2>&1 redirect the stderr stream into the stdout and it will be duplicated inside the build.log file for debug purpose.
### Help: -h|--helpyou can adapt the script "" to complete the installation.
Some scripts are available in directory "tools". they are copied in /usr/local/bin/ in the image. ( xfce, lxqt, plasma, ...), see "Graphical environment" in the Mageia application manager meta packages. ### Adding a new platform: To add a new platform, a new folder needs to be created in the platforms directory with the name of the platform containing the mageia4arm.cfg configuration file about the Mageia distribution itself, the script which install the system, the script which implements functions in order to fit the platform and the extlinux.conf file. #### mageia4arm.cfg A template file is located in the root of the project. It contains all necessary variables for the installation of Mageia, as the version, architecture, mirroir, password etc. #### This script is launched with chroot, then we can execute custom operation as installing packages that are not from This script also defines some files groups. #### This script add into the installation process some elements specific to the platform, as the partitionning, the fashon to set the bootloader, downloading external files, etc. It must implement the four next functons : ``` function preImgCreation() { #Here it is possible to download external file. return 0 } function postPrepareChroot() { #Possibility to copy/paste platform related files before to launch the script. return 0 } function burningBootloader() { #There are several methods to flash the bootloader and depend on the platform. return 0 } function copyingCustomSystem() { #It is possible to copy files into the mounted system.= return 0 } ``` If one of this functions does not return 0, the process is stoped. #### extlinux.conf ??? #### others Of course, other files are necessary. The device tree (DTB/DTS or script.bin) is necessary, a specific bootloader for the platform and a compatible kernel with that architecture. ### extras: Not translated.