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195 lines
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if ( !isset($site) )
require_once( "config.inc.php" );
header( 'Location: ' . $accueil );
require_once "config.inc.php";
require_once "log.php";
$table_prefix = "";
class db
private $server = "db351634-avionpoeme.sql-pro.online.net";
private $port = 3306;
private $user = "db120904";
private $passwd = "AvionPoème*DB";
private $database = "db351634_avionpoeme";
public $connect;
public $result;
// avion
public $uid;
public $message;
public $expeMail;
public $expeKnown;
public $expeLang;
public $destLang;
public $startLat;
public $startLon;
public $startName;
public $startTime;
public $startTZ;
public $destMail;
public $destLat;
public $destLon;
public $destName;
public $public;
public $color;
public $deliveryTime;
public $deliveryTZ;
public $deliveryTimeServer;
public $deliveryMethod;
// peripeties
public $idPeripetie;
public $datePeripetie;
public $effetPeripetie;
function __construct()
function open()
if ( !$this->connect )
$this->connect = new mysqli( $this->server, $this->user, $this->passwd, $this->database );
if ( $this->connect->connect_errno )
log_error( "Échec de la connexion : => " . $this->connect->connect_error . "<br />" . __file__ . ' ligne ' . __line__);
return false;
return true;
function close()
$this->connect = 0;
function protect( $string )
return $this->connect->real_escape_string( $string );
function query( $string )
//log_write( $string );
if ( empty( $this->connect ) ) $this->open();
$this->result = $this->connect->query( $string ) ;
if ( $this->connect->error ) log_error( "Échec de la commande query => " . $this->connect->error . "<br />" . __file__ . ' ligne ' . __line__ . "\n" . $string, true, true);
//print_r( $this );
function newPlane() //return 0 on error
$query = "INSERT INTO avionpoeme VALUES ('0','";
$query .= $this->protect($this->message) . "', '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->expeMail) . "', ";
$query .= $this->protect($this->expeKnown) . ", '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->expeLang) . "', '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->destLang) . "', '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->startLat) . "', '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->startLon) . "', '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->startName) . "', ";
$query .= "FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $this->protect($this->startTime) . "), '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->startTZ) . "', '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->destMail) . "', '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->destLat) . "', '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->destLon) . "', '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->destName) . "', ";
$query .= $this->protect($this->public) . ", '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->color) . "', ";
$query .= "FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $this->protect($this->deliveryTime) . "), '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->deliveryTZ) . "', ";
$query .= "FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $this->protect($this->deliveryTimeServer) . "), '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->deliveryMethod) . "'";
$query .= ")";
$this->uid = $this->connect->insert_id;
echo "{'uid':'" . $this->uid . "'}";
function getCurrentPlanes()
$query = "SELECT idAvion as uid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(deliveryTime) as deliveryTime, deliveryTZ, destLat, destLon, destName, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(startTime) as startTime, startTZ, startLon, startLat, startName, color FROM avionpoeme WHERE deliveryTimeServer>NOW()";
$planes = $this->result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
print json_encode($planes);
return $planes;
function getAnthology($page=0)
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM avionpoeme WHERE deliveryTimeServer<NOW() AND public='1'";
$result = $this->result->fetch_assoc();
$n_pages = floor(($result["count"] / RESULTS_BY_PAGE))+1;
if ($page <= 0) //renvoie le nombre de ligne d'anthologie
print '{"nAnthology":"' . $result["count"] . '","nPages":"' . $n_pages .'"}';
return $n_pages;
}else //renvoie les lignes d'anthologie
if ($page > $n_pages) $page=$n_pages;
$query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(startTime) as startTime, startTZ, startName, message, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(deliveryTime) as deliveryTime , deliveryTZ, destName FROM avionpoeme WHERE deliveryTimeServer<NOW() AND public='1' ORDER BY startTime ASC LIMIT " . ($page-1)*RESULTS_BY_PAGE . "," . RESULTS_BY_PAGE;
$planes = $this->result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
print json_encode($planes, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
return $planes;
function savePeripetie()
global $db;
$query = "INSERT INTO avionPeripetie VALUES ('0','";
$query .= $this->protect($this->uid) . ",'";
$query .= $this->protect($this->idPeripetie) . "', '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->datePeripetie) . "', '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->effetPeripetie) . "', '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->expeMail) . "', '";
$query .= $this->protect($this->destMail) . "')";
echo $query;
function newPeripetie()
global $db;
mt_getrandmax ( );
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM peripeties";
$result = $this->result->fetch_assoc();
$db->idPeripetie = round(mt_rand(1,$result["count"]));
$query = "SELECT * FROM peripeties WHERE idPeripetie='" . $db->idPeripetie . "'";
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM peripeties";
$result = $this->result->fetch_assoc();
//calcul de la probabilité de la péripétie
//ajustement de l'effet