async function init( name="loled-display", width = window.innerWidth, height = window.innerHeight, ){ const display = document.getElementById("display") const video = document.getElementById("display-video") const nameEl = document.getElementById("display-name") let peerConnection = null async function setNewConnection(offer, iceCandidates){ const connection = new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [ {urls: [""]} ] }) connection.addEventListener("track", (e) => { if(e.streams.length > 0){ video.srcObject = e.streams[0] } }) connection.addEventListener("connectionstatechange", () => { if(connection.connectionState == "connected"){ nameEl.hidden = true } else if(["closed", "failed", "disconnected"].indexOf(connection.connectionState)) { nameEl.hidden = false } }) connection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(offer)) for(const it of iceCandidates){ connection.addIceCandidate(it ? new RTCIceCandidate(it) : undefined) } const answr = await connection.createAnswer() connection.setLocalDescription(answr) await fetch("/_loled/display/put-answer", { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(answr), headers: {"content-type": "application/json"} }) console.log("New offer received") if(peerConnection){ peerConnection.close() } peerConnection = connection nameEl.hidden = true } = width+"px" = height+"px""--display-width", width+"px")"--display-height", height+"px") const [registration, registerdName] = await getRegistration(name) name = registerdName; nameEl.hidden = false registration.addEventListener("message", e => { const message = JSON.parse( if(message.type == "offer"){ setNewConnection(message.offer, message.iceCandidates) } }) } async function getRegistration(name){"Waiting welcome message") const reg = new EventSource("/_loled/display/register?name="+name) const registeredName = await new Promise((res, rej) => { reg.addEventListener("message", e => { const message = JSON.parse( if(message.type != 'welcome'){ rej(new Error("Invalid message received")) } res( }, {once: true}) })`display registerd with name ${registeredName}`) return [reg, registeredName] } const args = new URLSearchParams(; init( args.get("name"), parseInt(args.get("width") || window.innerWidth), parseInt(args.get("height") || window.innerHeight) )