DTux MainWindow 0 0 500 571 0 0 MainWindow Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon false 0 0 0 0 32763 32765 0 0 11 IBeamCursor Qt::WheelFocus true 0 0 Server false 0 0 0 0 Enter server's URL 5000 0 0 Port 0 0 100 0 70 16777215 Qt::WheelFocus Enter rsync port on server 5000 Qt::ImhPreferNumbers 6 Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter true true Qt::WheelFocus Press button to connect to rsync server 5000 Connection Return Qt::Vertical Qt::Horizontal 0 0 Qt::WheelFocus Click to view the list of files of this folder 5000 QAbstractItemView::SelectedClicked true QListView::Adjust true 1 0 Qt::WheelFocus Qt::ActionsContextMenu Click to add to download queue 5000 QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers true false true QAbstractItemView::DragOnly true QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectItems true true true 1 true true 1 1 0 Qt::ImhNoAutoUppercase Qt::WheelFocus Click on file to stop downloading 5000 true QAbstractItemView::DropOnly true 0 %p% Qt::NoContextMenu toolBar Qt::LeftToRight true true Qt::AllToolBarAreas Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon true TopToolBarArea false .. Change save folder Change save folder .. About .. About Qt .. Settings Download Click on menu button to download the entire folder Exit Terminate the program Ctrl+Q KComboBox QComboBox
KHistoryComboBox KComboBox
KLineEdit QLineEdit
KTreeWidgetSearchLine QLineEdit