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#ifndef MQTT_H
#define MQTT_H
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <QString>
#include <QHash>
#include <QtMqtt>
#include <QtMqtt/QMqttClient>
#include <QtMqtt/QMqttMessage>
#include <QtMqtt/QMqttSubscription>
#define MQTT_TOPIC "pws2mqtt"
/*{128, "Unspecified error: The Server does not wish to reveal the reason for the failure, or none of the other Reason Codes apply."},
{129, "Malformed Packet; Data within the CONNECT packet could not be correctly parsed."},
{130, "Protocol Error: Data in the CONNECT packet does not conform to this specification."},
{131, "Implementation specific error: The CONNECT is valid but is not accepted by this Server."},
{132, "Unsupported Protocol Version: The Server does not support the version of the MQTT protocol requested by the Client."},
{133, "Client Identifier not valid: The Client Identifier is a valid string but is not allowed by the Server."},
{134, "Bad User Name or Password: The Server does not accept the User Name or Password specified by the Client."},
{135, "Not authorized: The Client is not authorized to connect."},
{136, "Server unavailable: The MQTT Server is not available."},
{137, "Server busy: The Server is busy. Try again later."},
{138, "Banned: This Client has been banned by administrative action. Contact the server administrator."},
{140, "Bad authentication method: The authentication method is not supported or does not match the authentication method currently in use."},
{144, "Topic Name invalid: The Will Topic Name is not malformed, but is not accepted by this Server."},
{149, "Packet too large: The CONNECT packet exceeded the maximum permissible size."},
{151, "Quota exceeded: An implementation or administrative imposed limit has been exceeded."},
{153, "Payload format invalid: The Will Payload does not match the specified Payload Format Indicator."},
{154, "Retain not supported: The Server does not support retained messages, and Will Retain was set to 1."},
{155, "QoS not supported: The Server does not support the QoS set in Will QoS."},
{156, "Use another server: The Client should temporarily use another server."},
{157, "Server moved: The Client should permanently use another server."},
{159, "Connection rate exceeded: The connection rate limit has been exceeded."},
QHash <int, QString> mosq_error
{MOSQ_ERR_ERRNO, "System return error"},
{MOSQ_ERR_INVAL, "Input parameters were invalid."},
{MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM, "Out of memory condition occurred."},
{MOSQ_ERR_PAYLOAD_SIZE, "Payloadlen is too large."},
{MOSQ_ERR_MALFORMED_UTF8, "The topic is not valid UTF-8."},
{MOSQ_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Properties is not NULL and the client is not using MQTT v5"},
{MOSQ_ERR_NO_CONN, "if the client isnt connected to a broker."},
{MOSQ_ERR_DUPLICATE_PROPERTY, "A property is duplicated where it is forbidden."},
{MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL, "Any property is invalid for use with DISCONNECT."},
{MOSQ_ERR_QOS_NOT_SUPPORTED, "The QoS is greater than that supported by the broker."},
{MOSQ_ERR_OVERSIZE_PACKET, "The resulting packet would be larger than supported by the broker."},
{MOSQ_ERR_CONN_LOST, "The connection to the broker was lost."},
{MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL, "There is a protocol error communicating with the broker."},
/*class MqttSub : public QMqttSubscription
explicit MqttSub();
public slots:
void updateStatus({ , "SubscriptionState state);
class MqttClient : public QObject
MqttClient ();
QString topic = "pws2mqtt/wh2650a";
QString host = "";
QString friendlyName = "WH2650A"; // friendly name of the device in mqtt
QString macAddress = "0x483fda53cbcb"; // lan mac address as lan identity TODO get from device
QString type = "Meteo";
int qos = 0;
QString server = ""; //"";
int serverPort = 1883;
int keepAlive = 60;
int protocolVersion = 4;
int retryConnectionDelay = 10; // in seconds
int retrySubscribeDelay = 10; // in seconds
QMqttClient *qmqttClient;
QHash <qint32, QString> messagesList;
QMqttSubscription *subscription = nullptr;
QMqttSubscription::SubscriptionState subscriptionState;
QMqttClient::ClientState clientState;
qint32 send_message(QString message);
QHash <int , QString> messageStatus =
{0, "Unknown : The message status is unknown."},
{1, "Published : The client received a message for one of its subscriptions. This applies to QoS levels 1 and 2."},
{2, "Acknowledged A message has been acknowledged. This applies to QoS 1 and states that the message handling has been finished from the client side."},
{3, "Received : A message has been received. This applies to QoS 2."},
{4, "Released : A message has been released. This applies to QoS 2. For a publisher the message handling has been finished."},
{5, "Completed : A message has been completed. This applies to QoS 2 and states that the message handling has been finished from the client side."}
QHash <int, QString> connectReasonCode =
{0, "SubscriptionQoSLevel0 : subscription with QoS level 0 has been created."},
{1 , "SubscriptionQoSLevel1 0x01 A subscription with QoS level 1 has been created."},
{2 , "SubscriptionQoSLevel2 0x02 A subscription with QoS level 2 has been created."},
{16 , "NoMatchingSubscriber 0x10 The message has been accepted by the server, but there are no subscribers to receive this message. A broker may send this reason code instead of Success."},
{17 , "NoSubscriptionExisted (since Qt 5.15) 0x11 No matching Topic Filter is being used by the Client."},
{24 , "ContinueAuthentication (since Qt 5.15) 0x18 Continue the authentication with another step."},
{25 , "ReAuthenticate (since Qt 5.15) 0x19 Initiate a re-authentication."},
{128 , "UnspecifiedError 0x80 An unspecified error occurred."},
{129 , "MalformedPacket 0x81 The packet sent to the server is invalid."},
{130 , "ProtocolError 0x82 A protocol error has occurred. In most cases, this will cause the server to disconnect the client."},
{131 , "ImplementationSpecificError 0x83 The packet is valid, but the recipient rejects it."},
{132 , "UnsupportedProtocolVersion 0x84 The requested protocol version is not supported by the server."},
{133 , "InvalidClientId 0x85 The client ID is invalid."},
{134 , "InvalidUserNameOrPassword 0x86 The username or password specified is invalid."},
{135 , "NotAuthorized 0x87 The client is not authorized for the specified action."},
{136 , "ServerNotAvailable 0x88 The server to connect to is not available."},
{137 , "ServerBusy 0x89 The server to connect to is not available. The client is asked to try at a later time."},
{138 , "ClientBanned 0x8A The client has been banned from the server."},
{139 , "InvalidAuthenticationMethod 0x8C The authentication method specified is invalid."},
{143 , "InvalidTopicFilter 0x8F The topic filter specified is invalid."},
{144 , "InvalidTopicName 0x90 The topic name specified is invalid."},
{145 , "MessageIdInUse 0x91 The message ID used in the previous packet is already in use."},
{146 , "MessageIdNotFound 0x92 The message ID used in the previous packet has not been found."},
{149 , "PacketTooLarge 0x95 The packet received is too large. See also QMqttServerConnectionProperties::maximumPacketSize()."},
{151 , "QuotaExceeded 0x97 An administratively imposed limit has been exceeded."},
{153 , "InvalidPayloadFormat 0x99 The payload format is invalid. See also QMqttPublishProperties::payloadFormatIndicator()."},
{154 , "RetainNotSupported 0x9A The server does not support retained messages. See also QMqttServerConnectionProperties::retainAvailable()."},
{155 , "QoSNotSupported 0x9B The QoS level requested is not supported. See also QMqttServerConnectionProperties::maximumQoS()."},
{156 , "UseAnotherServer 0x9C The server the client tries to connect to is not available. See also QMqttServerConnectionProperties::serverReference()."},
{157 , "ServerMoved 0x9D The server the client tries to connect to has moved to a new address. See also QMqttServerConnectionProperties::serverReference()."},
{158 , "SharedSubscriptionsNotSupported 0x9E Shared subscriptions are not supported. See also QMqttServerConnectionProperties::sharedSubscriptionSupported()."},
{159 , "ExceededConnectionRate 0x9F The connection rate limit has been exceeded."},
{161 , "SubscriptionIdsNotSupported 0xA1 Subscription IDs are not supported. See also QMqttServerConnectionProperties::subscriptionIdentifierSupported()."},
{162 , "WildCardSubscriptionsNotSupported 0xA2 Subscriptions using wildcards are not supported by the server. See also QMqttServerConnectionProperties::wildcardSupported()."},
QHash <int, QString> qmqttErrors =
{1, "InvalidProtocolVersion : The broker does not accept a connection using the specified protocol version."},
{2, "IdRejected ; The client ID is malformed. This might be related to its length."},
{3, "ServerUnavailable :The network connection has been established, but the service is unavailable on the broker side."},
{4, "QMqttClient::Bad Username Or Password : The data in the username or password is malformed."},
{5, "NotAuthorized : The client is not authorized to connect."},
{256, "TransportInvalid : The underlying transport caused an error. For example, the connection might have been interrupted unexpectedly."},
{257, "ProtocolViolation : The client encountered a protocol violation, and therefore closed the connection."},
{258, "UnknownError : An unknown error occurred."},
{259, "Mqtt5SpecificError : The error is related to MQTT protocol level 5. A reason code might provide more details."}
QHash <int, QString> clientStateString
{0, "Disconnected : The client is disconnected from the broker."},
{1, "Connecting : A connection request has been made, but the broker has not approved the connection yet."},
{2, "Connected : The client is connected to the broker."}
QHash <int, QString> subscriptionStateString
{0, "Unsubscribed : The topic has been unsubscribed from."},
{1, "SubscriptionPending : A request for a subscription has been sent, but is has not been confirmed by the broker yet."},
{2, "Subscribed : The subscription was successful and messages will be received."},
{3, "UnsubscriptionPending : A request to unsubscribe from a topic has been sent, but it has not been confirmed by the broker yet."},
{4, "Error : An error occured."}
public slots:
void on_message(const QByteArray &message, const QMqttTopicName &topic);
void on_connect();
void on_disconnect();
void on_error(QMqttClient::ClientError error);
void on_messageSentStatusChanged(qint32 id, QMqtt::MessageStatus s, const QMqttMessageStatusProperties &properties);
void on_messageSent(int mid);
void updateStatus(QMqttSubscription::SubscriptionState state);
void on_stateChanged(QMqttClient::ClientState state);
// void updateMessage();
#endif //MQTT_H