
270 lines
7.3 KiB

logger(DEBUG,_("Including db_functions.php"), __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__);
//to save or not to save the DB, that is the question ...
function storeDB($db, $filepath)
$data = serialize($db);
return file_put_contents($filepath, $data);
function loadDB(& $db, $filepath)
$data = file_get_contents($filepath);
if ($data === false)
return false;
$db = unserialize($data);
function mkDevicesDB($topic, $json, $group=false)
global $devices, $listProperties, $listPropertiesKeys, $indexDevices, $dbInit, $logFh, $hooks;
if (!isset($devices[$topic]))
$devices[$topic]= array();
foreach ($json as $jsonDevice)
$fn = $jsonDevice->friendly_name;
$fnTree = explode("/", $fn);
$device = & $devices[$topic];
foreach($fnTree as $fnPart)
if (!array_key_exists($fnPart, $device))
$device[$fnPart] = array();
$device = & $device[$fnPart];
if (!array_key_exists("device", $device))
$device["device"] = new device;
$device["device"]->topic = $topic;
//$device["device"]->device = $jsonDevice;
$device["device"]->friendlyName = $fn;
if ($group)
$device["device"]->groupID = $jsonDevice->id;
$indexDevices[$device["device"]->groupID] = & $device["device"];
$indexFriendlyNames[$fn] = & $device["device"];
addDevice($device, $fn, $jsonDevice);
$dbInit += 1;
fwrite($logFh, "################################START##################################################");
fwrite($logFh, var_export($devices, true));
fwrite($logFh, "################################END##################################################");
logger(DEBUG, _("Devices DB made"), __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__);
function addDevice(& $device, $fn, $jsonDevice )
global $listProperties, $listPropertiesKeys, $hooks, $indexDevices, $indexFriendlyNames;
$device["device"]->type = $jsonDevice->type;
$device["device"]->ieeeAddress = $jsonDevice->ieee_address;
if ( !empty($jsonDevice->power_source ) )
$device["device"]->powerSource = $jsonDevice->power_source;
if ($jsonDevice->definition != null)
$device["device"]->description = $jsonDevice->definition->description;
searchPropertyKey($fn, $device["device"], $jsonDevice->definition->exposes, $listPropertiesKeys);
searchPropertyValue($fn, $device["device"], $jsonDevice, $listProperties);
//indexing device
$indexDevices[$device["device"]->ieeeAddress] = & $device["device"];
$indexFriendlyNames[$fn] = & $device["device"];
function searchPropertyKey($fn, &$device, $object, $listPropertiesKeys)
foreach($listPropertiesKeys as $property)
foreach($object as $key => $value)
if (gettype($value) == "object" or gettype($value) == "array")
searchPropertyKey($fn, $device, $value, $listPropertiesKeys);
if ( isset($value->property))
$string = $value->property;
$device->properties[$string]["value"] = null;
$device->properties[$string]["functions"] = array();
function searchPropertyValue($fn, &$device, $object, $listProperties)
$objectArray = (array)$object;
foreach($listProperties as $key => $value)
if (in_array($value, $objectArray))
//echo "$value trouvé =>";
$device->$key = $value;
//echo $device->$key . EOL;
function changeDevice($topic, $fn, &$device, $payloadArray)
if (!empty($payloadArray))
//echo "==================== New ChangeDevice =====================" .EOL;
iterateDevice($topic, $fn, $device, $device, $payloadArray);
logger(ERROR, $fn . _(" => payloadArray is empty!"), __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__);
function iterateDevice($topic, $fn, $parentDevice, &$device, $payloadArray, $propertyTree="")
global $changed, $mohaDB, $testMode;
$deviceType = (is_a($device, "device")); // = true if object
//echo "==================== New iterate =====================" .EOL;
//echo "devicetype = "; var_dump($deviceType); echo EOL;
//echo "device =>";print_r($device);echo EOL;
//echo "PropertyTree ==============> " . $propertyTree . EOL;
foreach($payloadArray as $key => $value)
$oldValue = null;
//echo "key =>"; print_r($key); echo EOL;
//echo "value =>"; print_r($value); echo EOL;
//echo "type : " . gettype($value) .EOL;
$valueType = gettype($value);
if ($valueType == "object")
$propertyTree .= $key . "/";
//echo "PropertyTree " . $propertyTree . EOL;
//echo " is Object" . EOL;
if ($deviceType === true )
//echo "deviceType = true" . EOL;
if (!array_key_exists($key, $device->properties))
//echo "Property do not exists" . EOL;
$device->properties[$key] = new stdClass;
//echo "iterating" . EOL;
//echo "===============>";
iterateDevice($topic, $fn, $parentDevice, $device->properties[$key], $value, $propertyTree);
//echo "is array";
if (!array_key_exists($key, $device->properties))
$device->properties[$key] = new stdClass;
//echo "iterating" . EOL;
iterateDevice($topic, $fn, $parentDevice, $device->properties[$key], $value, $propertyTree);
}elseif ($valueType == "array")
$propertyTree .= $key . "/";
if ($deviceType === true )
$device->properties[$key] = array();
iterateDevice($topic, $fn, $parentDevice, $device->properties[$key], $value, $propertyTree);
$device->properties[$key] = array();
iterateDevice($topic, $fn, $parentDevice, $device->properties[$key], $value, $propertyTree);
//var_dump($device);echo EOL;
//if (empty($device->$key) or $value != null)
if (property_exists($device, $key))
if (is_array($device->$key))
$oldValue = $device->$key["value"];
$oldValue = $device->$key;
$device->$key = array("value" => null);
$device->$key["functions"] = array();
//echo $key . ' ===> oldvalue = ' . $oldValue . " value = " . $value . EOL;
if ($oldValue !== $value)
$device->$key["value"] = $value;
//$changed[$fn]["key"] = $key;
//$changed[$fn]["value"] = $value;
logger(INFO, sprintf(_("Device %s property %s, %s"), $fn, $propertyTree . $key, bool2string($value)), __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__);
$mohaDB->logProperty($parentDevice, $propertyTree . $key, $value, $oldValue);
if (!empty($device->$key["functions"]))
logger(DEBUG,_("executing notifications functions"), __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__);
foreach($device->properties[$key]["functions"] as $function)
$function($device, $key, $value);
function getDevicesValues($topic)
global $indexDevices, $topics;
logger(DEBUG, _("getDevicesValues function" ));
foreach($indexDevices as $device)
if ($device->topic == $topic)
logger(DEBUG, "device: " . $device->friendlyName);
$payload = "{";
$flag = false;
//$properties = array_slice($device, 12);
//logger(DEBUG, print_r($properties, true));
foreach($device->properties as $property => $value)
if ($flag)
$payload .= ",";
}else {
$flag = true;
$payload .= '"' . $property . '":""';
$device->payload = $payload . "}";
logger(DEBUG, $device->payload);