<?php require_once "header.php"; require_once "config.php"; require_once $mohaPath . "/utils.php"; require_once $mohaPath . "/constants.php"; require_once "class/db.class.php"; require_once $configPath . "properties2log.php"; $indexIeeeAddress = htmlGetFriendlyNames(); //print_r($indexIeeeAddress); print (_("This is the Statistics of Moha")); if (empty($indexIeeeAddress)) { $response = _("ERROR getting list of Friendly names: json error =>") . json_last_error_msg() .EOLH; }else { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT device, property FROM logs"; $result = $mohaDB->query($query); $devices = mysqli_fetch_all($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC); $devicesList = array(); // print_r($devices); print '<form method="GET" action="display_stats.php">'; //print '<input type="hidden" name="fn" value="">'; print '<label for="devicesSelectList">' . _("Choose a device:") . '</label> <select name="device" id="devicesSelectList">' ; foreach ($devices as $value) { if ( array_key_exists($value["device"], $indexIeeeAddress)) { $devicesList[$value["device"]]["fn"] = $indexIeeeAddress[$value["device"]]; $devicesList[$value["device"]][] = $value["property"]; } } //$devicesList = array_intersect_key($indexIeeeAddress, $tmp); //print_r($devicesList); foreach($devicesList as $ieeeAddress => $array) { print '<optgroup label="' . $array["fn"] . '">'; foreach($array as $key => $property) { if ($key != "fn") { print '<option value="' . $ieeeAddress . '|' . $array["fn"] . '|' . $property . '">' . $property . '</option>' . EOL; } } print '</optgroup>' . EOL; } print "</select>" . EOLH; print '<input type="date" name="startDate">' . EOLH; print '<input type="date" name="endDate">' . EOLH; print '<input type="submit" value="Afficher les statistiques">'; print "</form>" . EOL; } require_once "footer.php"; ?>