16 declare(ticks = 1); $listProperties = array("powerSource" => "batterie"); $listPropertiesKeys = array("property"); require "class/main.php"; //global variables $topics = array(); // list of topics $mids = array(); // list of message IDs $devices = array(); // array of device objetcs $indexDevices = array(); // index devices by ieee_address $hooksList = array(); // list of hooks to be included $hooks = array(); // array of hooks $notificationMethods = array(); // array of notification methods objects $events = array(); // list of event objects $changed = array(); // list of changed devices $dbInit = false; // flag to indicate that desvices db is initialized $connected = false; // connected to MQTT server $included = false; // flag indicate scripts are loaded $nSubscribed = 0; // Number of topics subsribed $logFile = "/var/log/moha.log"; // Path of log file $logFh = null; // filehandle of log file $curlErr = 0; // Number of errors returned by curl $configDir = "./config"; // default config dir (production value is /etc/moha/) $properties2log = array("action", "state", "contact", "temperature", "state_l1", "state_l2", "humidity", "current_heating_setpoint", "position", "pressure", "occupancy", "tamper", "illuminance_lux","illuminance", "requested_brightness_level", ); if (!init()) exit(1); function logger($level, $log, $notif = true) { global $logFh, $logLevel, $notificationLevel; //echo "=====>>>> $level => $logLevel => $notificationLevel" . EOL ; //echo $log .EOL; if ($level & $logLevel) { fwrite($logFh, "$level : $log" . EOL); print ("$level : $log" . EOL); } $test = $level & $notificationLevel; //echo "notif =>" .$notif . EOL; if (($test != 0) and ($notif === true)) { if(notify("Moha\n" . $log) === false) { logger(INFO, _("Notification not sent"), false); } } } /* logger(DEBUG, _("Require topics definition -> zigbee3mqtt"), false); $topics["zigbee2mqtt"] = new topic; require "topics_callbacks/zigbee2mqtt.php"; logger(DEBUG, _("Require topics definition -> pws2mqtt"), false); $topics["pws2mqtt"] = new topic; require "topics_callbacks/pws2mqtt.php"; */ logger(DEBUG, _("gettext init"), false); // gettext bindtextdomain("moha", "./locale"); textdomain("moha"); logger(DEBUG, _("lauching init function"), false); logger(DEBUG, _('assigning variable : $client'), false); $client = new Mosquitto\Client(); // log levels //define( "DEBUG", 16); // => 16 define( "INFO", $client::LOG_INFO); // => 1 define( "NOTICE", $client::LOG_NOTICE); // => 2 define( "WARNING", $client::LOG_WARNING); // => 4 define( "ERROR", $client::LOG_ERR); // => 8 define( "ALERT", 32); define( "ALL", DEBUG | INFO | NOTICE | WARNING | ERROR | ALERT); $logLevel = ALL; $notificationLevel = WARNING | ERROR; logger(DEBUG, _("requiring php modules"), false); require "utils.php"; require "mqtt_functions.php"; require "events.php"; require "db.php"; require "db_functions.php"; // topics definition loadHooks("./topics_callbacks", $hooksList); if (!empty($hooksList)) { foreach ($hooksList as $callback) { logger(INFO, _("Including ") . $callback, false); include $callback; } } logger(DEBUG, _("requiring config files -> devices_constants.php"), false); //include predefined file witch define constants for devices if (is_readable($configDir . "/" . "devices_constants.php")) { $hooksList[] = $configDir . "/" . "devices_constants.php"; //echo "hooklist"; print_r($hooksList); echo EOL; logger(INFO, sprintf(_("%s/devices_constants.define found, so it will be included :-)"), $configDir), false); }else { logger(WARNING, sprintf(_("%s/devices_constants.define not found, so not included :-)"), $configDir), false); } logger(DEBUG, _("Program start"), false); // Program start $client = new Mosquitto\Client(); // defining callback functions $client->onConnect('connectResponse'); $client->onDisconnect('disconnectResponse'); $client->onSubscribe('subscribeResponse'); $client->onUnsubscribe('unsubscribeResponse'); $client->onMessage('messageReceived'); $client->onLog('logger'); $client->onPublish('publishResponse'); $client->connect("", 1883, 5); /*while(!$connected) { sleep (1); }*/ logger(DEBUG, _("Subsribing to bridge"), false); foreach($topics as $name => $topic) { //echo $name; $topic->mid = $client->subscribe($name . "/#", 2); $mids[$topic->mid] = $name; $topic->status = false; } logger(DEBUG, _("Starting loop"), false); $oneshot = false; while (true) { $client->loop(); if ($dbInit == 2 and ! $included) { logger(DEBUG, _("Making hooks list"), false); getDevicesValues(); loadHooks("./hooks", $hooksList); if (!empty($hooksList)) { foreach ($hooksList as $hook) { logger(INFO, _("Including ") . $hook, false); include $hook; } } }elseif($dbInit == 2 and $included) { if ($oneshot === false) // execute once initialization finished { logger(DEBUG, _("Oneshot part of loop"), false); $oneshot = true; /*foreach($topics as $name => $topic) { //echo $name; $topic->mid = $client->subscribe($name . "/#", 2); $mids[$topic->mid] = $name; $topic->status = false; }*/ } checkEvents(); } } endMoha(); function init() { global $logFile, $logFh, $client; date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris'); if (! $logFh = fopen($logFile, "w") ) { echo _("error opening log file"); return false; } return true; } function loadHooks($dir, &$hookList) { global $included; $files = scandir($dir); //print_r($files); foreach ($files as $file) { //echo "=====> $file" . EOL; if ($file != "." and $file != "..") { //echo "not . or .." . EOL;echo strpos($file, ".php", -4) . EOL; if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) { //echo "directory : " . $dir . '/' . $file . EOL; loadHooks($dir . '/' . $file, $hookList); }elseif (strpos($file, ".php", -4) !== false) { //echo "file : " . $dir . "/" . $file . EOL; if (substr($file, -4) == ".php") { $hookList[] = $dir . "/" . $file; } } } } //print_r($hookList); $included = true; } function endMoha() { global $topics, $nSubscribed ,$client, $logFh, $connected; $x = 0; if ($connected) { $mid = $client->unsubscribe("#"); $client->disconnect(); //echo $nSubscribed;0x00124b0022ebac5c while ($connected) { if ( $x++ <= 60) { fclose($logFh); exit (1); } $client->loop(); } } fclose($logFh); exit(0); } ?>