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/* NO INTERFACE here, see html examples for it */
# Quick tour of the main features of Condorcet PHP
// I - Install
use CondorcetPHP\Condorcet\{Candidate, Election, Vote};
require_once __DIR__.'/../__CondorcetAutoload.php';
$start_time = microtime(true);
// II - Create Election
$election1 = new Election;
// III - Manage Candidate
# -A- Add candidates
// A string
$myLutoCandidate = $election1->addCandidate('Lutoslawski'); // Return the CondorcetPHP\Candidate object.
// Automatic name
$myAutomaticCandidate = $election1->addCandidate(); // Return an automatic CondorcetPHP\Candidate
$myAutomaticCandidate->getName(); // return 'B'. Because we have already register the A candidate above.
// An objet
$myMessiaenCandidate = new Candidate('Olivier Messiaen');
$election1->addCandidate(new Candidate('Ligeti'));
$election1->addCandidate(new Candidate('Koechlin'));
# -B- Change your mind ?
// Lutoslawski change his name
$myLutoCandidate->setName('Wiltod Lutoslawski'); # Done !
# What was his old names?
$myLutoCandidate->getHistory(); // return the full history with timestamp of this Candidate naming
# -C- Check your candidate list, if you forget it
$election1->getCandidatesList(); // Return an array pupulate by each Candidate objet
$election1->getCandidatesList(true); // Return an array pupulate by each Candidate name as String.
// OK, I need my Debussy (want his candidate object)
$myDebussyCandidate = $election1->getCandidateObjectFromName('Debussy');
// IV - Votes
# -A- Add Votes
$myVote1 = $election1->addVote([
1 => 'Debussy',
2 => ['Caplet', 'Olivier Messiaen'],
3 => 'Ligeti',
4 => ['Wiltod Lutoslawski', 'Koechlin'],
]); // Return the new Vote object
$myVote2 = new Vote([
1 => 'Debussy',
2 => 'Caplet',
3 => 'Olivier Messiaen',
4 => 'Koechlin',
5 => 'Wiltod Lutoslawski',
6 => 'Ligeti',
$myVote3 = $election1->addVote('Debussy > Olivier Messiaen = Ligeti > Caplet'); // Last rank rank will be automatically deducted. A vote can not be expressed on a limited number of candidates. Non-expressed candidates are presumed to last Exaequo
// Off course, you can vote by candidate object. Which is recommended. Or mix the two methods.
$myVote4 = $election1->addVote([
[$myMessiaenCandidate, 'Koechlin'],
// Finishing with another really nice example.
$myVote5 = new Vote([
1 => $election1->getCandidateObjectFromName('Debussy'),
2 => $election1->getCandidateObjectFromName('Olivier Messiaen'),
3 => [$election1->getCandidateObjectFromName('Wiltod Lutoslawski'), $election1->getCandidateObjectFromName('Ligeti')],
4 => $election1->getCandidateObjectFromName('Koechlin'),
5 => $election1->getCandidateObjectFromName('Caplet'),
// Please note that :
$election1->getCandidateObjectFromName('Olivier Messiaen') === $myMessiaenCandidate; // Return TRUE
// Add some nice tags to my Vote 1 & 2 & 3 (You can do this before or after add register into to the Election)
$myVote1->addTags(['strangeVote', 'greatFrenchVote']); // By Array
$myVote2->addTags('greatFrenchVote,chauvinismVote'); // By String
$myVote3->addTags($myVote1->getTags()); // Copy & Past
// Parsing Vote
Ligeti > Wiltod Lutoslawski > Olivier Messiaen = Debussy > Koechlin # A comment. A a line break for the next vote.
greatFrenchVote,chauvinismVote || Olivier Messiaen > Debussy = Caplet > Ligeti # Tags at first, vote at second, separated by '||'
strangeVote || Caplet > Koechlin * 8 # This vote and his tag will be register 8 times.
// Adding some random to this election
$VoteModel = $myVote2->getRanking();
for ($i = 0; $i < 95; $i++) {
// How Many Vote could I Have now ?
$election1->countVotes(); // Return 110 (int)
# -B- Manage Votes
# 1- Get vote list
// Get the vote list
$election1->getVotesList(); // Returns an array of all votes as object.
// How many Vote with tag "strangeVote" ?
$election1->countVotes('strangeVote'); // Return 10 (int)
// Or without
$election1->countVotes('strangeVote', false); // Return 100 (int)
// Or with this tag OR this tag
$election1->countVotes(['greatFrenchVote', 'chauvinismVote']); // Return 4 (int)
// Or without this tag AND this tag
$election1->countVotes(['greatFrenchVote', 'chauvinismVote'], false); // Return 4 (int)
// Return this 10 votes !
// And the others 100 votes without this tags
$election1->getVotesList('strangeVote', false);
// Or with this tag OR this tag
$election1->getVotesList(['greatFrenchVote', 'chauvinismVote']); // Return 4 (int)
// Or without this tag AND this tag
$election1->getVotesList(['greatFrenchVote', 'chauvinismVote'], false); // Return 4 (int)
# 2- Vote objet
$myVote3->getRanking(); // This vote specifies four candidates. Although the election comprises 6. This method return the original input.
$myVote3->getContextualRanking($election1); // Return the full ranking in the context of election 1 (with 6 candidates). It is one that is taken into account when calculating the results of the election 1.
// Change the vote
1 => 'Caplet',
2 => 'Debussy',
3=> 'Koechlin',
// Check the vote history
$myVote1History = $myVote1->getHistory();
# 3- Delete Votes
// Delete a specific vote object
// Delete all vote with tag "strangeVote" or "frenchies"
$election1->removeVotesByTags(['strangeVote', 'chauvinismVote']);
// Count vote
$election1->countVotes(); // Return 98
// V - Get Result
// Natural Condorcet Winner
$election1->getWinner(); // Return NULL if there is not, else return the winner candidate object
$election1->getWinner('Schulze'); // Same thing, but try to resolve winner by Schulze method that extends Condorcet method. Can return an array of winners if there are multiple.
// Natural Condorcet Loser
$election1->getLoser(); // Return NULL if there is not, else return the winner candidate object
$election1->getLoser('Schulze'); // Same thing, but try to resolve loser by Schulze method that extends Condorcet method. Can return an array of winners if there are multiple.
// Advanced Method -
$election1->getResult(); // Result set for defaut method (Should be Schulze Winning). That return a Condorcet/Result object.
$election1->getResult('Copeland'); // Do it with the Copeland method
/* Please note that a Result object is fixed and independent. It does not change automatically when you change the election. You then have requested the production of a new object result. */
// Get an easy game outcome to read and understand (Table populated by string)
print $firstPart ?? 'Success!
Process in: '. round(microtime(true) - $start_time, 3) . 's';