## public Election::getVotesValidUnderConstraintGenerator ### Description ```php public Election->getVotesValidUnderConstraintGenerator ( [array|string|null $tags = null , bool $with = true] ): Generator ``` Same as Election::getVotesList. But Return a PHP generator object. Usefull if your work on very large election with an external DataHandler, because it's will not using large memory amount. ##### **tags:** *```array|string|null```* Tags list as a string separated by commas or array. ##### **with:** *```bool```* Get votes with these tags or without. ### Return value: *(```Generator```)* Populated by each Vote object. --------------------------------------- ### Related method(s) * [Election::getVotesListGenerator](../Election%20Class/public%20Election--getVotesListGenerator.md) * [Election::getVotesList](../Election%20Class/public%20Election--getVotesList.md)