## public Election::getState ### Description ```php public Election->getState ( ): CondorcetPHP\Condorcet\ElectionProcess\ElectionState ``` Get the election process level. ### Return value: *(```CondorcetPHP\Condorcet\ElectionProcess\ElectionState```)* ElectionState::CANDIDATES_REGISTRATION: Candidate registered state. No votes, no result, no cache. ElectionState::VOTES_REGISTRATION: Voting registration phase. Pairwise cache can exist thanks to dynamic computation if voting phase continue after the first get result. But method result never exist. 3: Result phase: Some method result may exist, pairwise exist. An election will return to Phase 2 if votes are added or modified dynamically. --------------------------------------- ### Related method(s) * [Election::setStateToVote](../Election%20Class/public%20Election--setStateToVote.md)