function open()
if ( !$this->connect )
$this->connect = new mysqli( $this->server, $this->user, $this->passwd, $this->database );
if ( $this->connect->connect_errno )
log_error( "Échec de la connexion : => " . $this->connect->connect_error . "
" . __file__ . ' ligne ' . __line__, false,false);
return false;
return true;
function close()
$this->connect = 0;
function protect( $string )
return $this->connect->real_escape_string( $string );
function query( $string )
$this->error = 0;
if ( empty( $this->connect ) ) $this->open();
$this->result = $this->connect->query( $string ) ;
$this->error = $this->connect->error;
if ( $this->connect->errno > 0 ) log_error( "Échec de la commande query => " . $this->error . "
" . __file__ . ' ligne ' . __line__ . "\n" . $string, true, false);
return $this->error;
function vote($idVotation, $idVotant, $idVote, $idCandidat)
$flag = 0;
$query='SELECT IF(identifiant="' . $idVotant . '" AND idVotation="' . $idVotation .'" AND INSTR(idVote, "' . $idVote .'"),TRUE,FALSE) as r FROM liste_votants';
if ( ($r = $this->result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)))
$query='SELECT IF ( id="' . $idVotation .'",TRUE,FALSE) as r FROM liste_votations';
if ( ($r = $this->result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)))
$query='SELECT IF( idVotation="' . $idVotation .'" AND id="' . $idVote .'",TRUE,FALSE) as r FROM liste_votes';
if ( ($r = $this->result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)))
$query='SELECT IF(id="' . $idCandidat . '" AND idVotation="' . $idVotation .'" AND idVote="' . $idVote .'",TRUE,FALSE) FROM liste_candidats';
if ( ($r = $this->result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)))
$query='INSERT INTO votes (idVotant, idVotation, idVote, idCandidat) VALUES ("' . $this->protect($idVotant) .'", "' . $this->protect($idVotation) .'", "' . $this->protect($idVote) .'", "'. $this->protect($idCandidat) .'")';
$error = $this->query($query);
return $error;
return 'Error ';
function resultat()
$query='SELECT idVotant, COUNT(value) as resultat FROM lalis_vote WHERE value="' . $value . '" AND idVote="' . $i . '" ';
function queryVotationList()
$query = "SELECT * FROM liste_votations";
$votationLine = $this->result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
foreach ($votationLine as $line)
$votationList[$line["id"]] = $line;
return $votationList;
function queryVotationName($idVotation) :string
$query = "SELECT libelle FROM liste_votations WHERE id='" . $idVotation . "'";
$votationLine = $this->result->fetch_assoc();
return $votationLine["libelle"];
function queryVoteList($idVotation)
$query = "SELECT * FROM liste_votes WHERE idVotation = " . idVotation;
$votes = $this->result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
foreach ($votes as $line)
$votesList[$line["id"]] = $line;
return $votesList;
function queryVoteName($idVote)
$query = "SELECT libelle FROM liste_votes WHERE id='" . $idVote . "'";
$voteLine = $this->result->fetch_assoc();
return $voteLine["libelle"];
function queryVotes($idVotation)
$query = "SELECT id, lv.libelle, ms.libelle as methode FROM liste_votes as lv LEFT JOIN methods as ms ON WHERE idVotation='" . $idVotation . "'";
$votes = $this->result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
return $votes;
function queryCandidatsList($idVotation, $idVote)
$query = "SELECT * FROM liste_candidats WHERE idVotation='" . $idVotation . "' AND idVote='" . $idVote . "'";
$candidats = $this->result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
foreach ($candidats as $line)
$candidatsList[$line["id"]] = $line;
return $candidatsList;
function queryCandidatName($idCandidat)
$query = "SELECT libelle FROM liste_candidats where id='" . $idCandidat . "'";
$line = $this->result->fetch_assoc();
return $line["candidat"];