16 define( "INFO", $client::LOG_INFO); // => 1 define( "NOTICE", $client::LOG_NOTICE); // => 2 define( "WARNING", $client::LOG_WARNING); // => 4 define( "ERROR", $client::LOG_ERR); // => 8 define( "ALERT", 32); define( "ALL", DEBUG | INFO | NOTICE | WARNING | ERROR | ALERT); $logLevel = ALL ; //INFO | WARNING | ERROR | ALERT; //$notificationLevel = WARNING | ERROR; // TODO send notification logger(DEBUG, _("defining callback functions")); // defining callback functions $client->onConnect('connectResponse'); $client->onDisconnect('disconnectResponse'); $client->onSubscribe('subscribeResponse'); $client->onUnsubscribe('unsubscribeResponse'); $client->onMessage('messageReceived'); $client->onLog('logger'); $client->onPublish('publishResponse'); logger(DEBUG, _("connecting to mqtt server")); $client->connect($mqttServerAddress, $mqttServerPort, 30); logger(DEBUG, _("subscribing")); $mid = $client->subscribe($topicName . "/#", 2); function messageReceived($message) { global $topicName, $logFh; $topic = explode ("/", $message->topic); if($topic[array_key_last($topic)] != "get" and ($topic[array_key_last($topic)]) != "set") { $topic = explode ("/", $message->topic, 2); // get topic name $fnTree = explode ("/" , $topic[1]); // get friendlyname logger(INFO, print_r(json_decode($message->payload), true)); } } // payload is an array : // $key is property => $value is value of the parameter function publish($payload, $commande="") { global $mids, $friendlyName, $topicName, $client, $logFh; //print_r($payload); $string = $topicName . "/" . $friendlyName; $mid = $client->publish($string, $payload , 2); if (isset($mids[$mid])) { unset ($mids[$mid]); }else { $mids[$mid] = true; } logger(LOG_INFO, $logFh, "Publishing " . $string . " with payload => " . $payload); } function connectResponse($r, $message) { global $connected; echo sprintf(_("I got code %d and message : '%s'"), $r, $message) . EOL; switch ($r) { case 0: logger(INFO, _("Successfull connection")); $connected = true; break; case 1: logger(INFO, _("Connection refused : unacceptable protocol version")); $connected = false; break; case 2: logger(INFO, _("Connection refused : identifier rejected")); $connected = false; break; case 3: logger(INFO, _("Connection refused (broker unavailable )")); $connected = false; break; } return $connected; } function subscribeResponse($mid, $qosCount) { global $topics; logger(INFO, _("Subscribed")); } function unsubscribeResponse($mid) { global $client; logger(INFO, _("Unsubscribed")); $client->disconnect(); } function disconnectResponse($r) { global $connected; if ($r != 0) { $str = _('Badly '); }else { $str = _('Cleanly '); } logger(INFO, $str . _("disconnected from server")); $connected = false; } function publishResponse($mid) { global $mids, $events; logger(LOG_INFO, "Event with mid = " . $mid . " published by MQTT broker"); if (isset($mids[$mid])) { unset ($mids[$mid]); }else { $mids[$mid] = true; } } ?>