
first commit

This commit is contained in:
DTux 2020-04-25 11:42:50 +00:00
parent b81403e32c
commit 3d2cb29dd3
2 changed files with 206 additions and 0 deletions

jpg2gpx.kdev4 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

jpg2gpx.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
* Documentation, License etc.
* @package jpg2gpx
//exiftool -c "%.6f" /mnt/perso/Nextcloud/Chine_2019/chutes_hu_kou/IMG_20190920_*.jpg | grep GPS | grep Position
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'fr_FR');
CONST EOL = "\n";
$list = array();
dirrecurse( $dir );
//$dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path);
//$files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir);
//echo "[$path]\n";
//foreach ($files as $file) {
// echo " ├ $file\n";
function dirrecurse( $dir )
global $list;
$x =0;
$paths = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( $dir, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS ));
foreach ($paths as $file)
$x +=1;
$gpscoord=readgps($x, $file);
function readgps( $x, $path )
global $list;
$flag = false;
//echo $path .EOL;
if (exif_imagetype($path) == 2)
$datas = exif_read_data($path, "ANY_TAG");
//echo "$path\n";
if (! empty($datas["GPSLatitude"]))
$list[$x]["name"] = $path;
print_r( $datas );
$latitude = convert2decimal( $datas["GPSLatitude"][0], $datas["GPSLatitude"][1],$datas["GPSLatitude"][2] );
$dlatitude = $datas["GPSLatitudeRef"];
$longitude = convert2decimal( $datas["GPSLongitude"][0], $datas["GPSLongitude"][1],$datas["GPSLongitude"][2] );
$dlongitude = $datas["GPSLongitudeRef"];
if ($dlongitude == "S")
$list[$x]["longitude"] = -$longitude;
$list[$x]["longitude"] = $longitude;
if ($dlatitude == "O")
$list[$x]["latitude"] = -$latitude;
$list[$x]["latitude"] = $latitude;
if ( ! empty($datas["GPSAltitude"]) )
$altitude = str_replace( ",", "", number_format( transform( $datas["GPSAltitude"] ),2 ));
$list[$x]["altitude"] = $altitude;
$list[$x]["altitude"] = "";
$time = gpstime( $datas["GPSTimeStamp"] );
//$datetime = new DateTime();
$date = $datas["GPSDateStamp"] . " " . $time;
$datetime = date_create_from_format("Y:m:d H:i:s", $date, new DateTimeZone( "UTC" ) );
$list[$x]["datetimeUTC"] = date( "c", $datetime->getTimestamp());
//echo $date . EOL;
if ( ! empty($datas["DateTime"]) )
$datetime_local = date_create_from_format("Y:m:d H:i:s", $datas["DateTime"]);
}elseif ( ! empty($datas["DateTimeOriginal"]) )
$datetime_local = date_create_from_format("Y:m:d H:i:s", $datas["DateTimeOriginal"]);
$flag = true;
if ( $flag = false )
$list[$x]["datetimelocal"] = date( "c", $datetime_local->getTimestamp());
$dh = $datetime->diff( $datetime_local );
$decalagehoraire = $dh->h;
if ( $dh->i >55)
$decalagehoraire += 1;
if ( $decalagehoraire >=0 )
$decalagehoraire = "+" . str_pad(abs($decalagehoraire), 4, "0", STR_PAD_BOTH );
$decalagehoraire = "-" . str_pad(abs($decalagehoraire), 4, "0", STR_PAD_BOTH );
$list[$x]["fuseauhoraire"] = $decalagehoraire;
$decalagehoraire = "";
$datetime->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris'));
echo $path . EOL;
echo strftime( "le %A %c heure de Paris", $datetime->getTimestamp() ) . EOL;
echo strftime( "le %A %c heure locale", $datetime_local->getTimestamp() ) . EOL;
echo "Fuseau horaire : " . $decalagehoraire .EOL;
echo "Latitude : $latitude $dlatitude\nLongitude : $longitude $dlongitude\nAltitude : $altitude\n";
function convert2decimal( $d, $m, $s)
return transform( $d ) + transform($m)/60 + transform($s)/3600;
function transform($a)
$b = explode( "/", $a);
$r = floatval($b[0]) / floatval($b[1]);
return $r;
function gpstime( $a )
$h = explode("/", $a[0]);
$m = explode("/", $a[1]);
$s = explode("/", $a[2]);
return str_pad( $h[0], 2 ,"0", STR_PAD_LEFT ) . ":" . str_pad( $m[0], 2 ,"0", STR_PAD_LEFT ) . ":" . str_pad( $s[0], 2 ,"0", STR_PAD_LEFT );
function exportKML( $list )
$enteteKML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><kml xmlns="">' . EOL;
if ( ! $fh = fopen("export_jpg2gpx_" . date("YmdHis") . ".kml", "w") )
$erreur = error_get_last();
echo "Erreur fopen ligne " . __LINE__ . " : " . $erreur["message"] . EOL;
exit (1);
fwrite( $fh, $enteteKML );
foreach ( $list as $ligne )
$text = "<Placemark>" . EOL . "<name>" . basename($ligne["name"]) . "</name>" . EOL . "<description>" . $ligne["name"] . EOL . "Altitude : " . $ligne["altitude"] . EOL . "Heure UTC : " . $ligne["datetimeUTC"] . EOL . "Heure locale :" . $ligne["datetimelocal"] . EOL . "Fuseau horaire : " . $ligne["fuseauhoraire"] . EOL . "Généré automatiquement</description>" .EOL;
$text .= " <point>" . EOL . " <coordinates>" . $ligne["longitude"] . "," . $ligne["latitude"] . "</coordinates>" . EOL . " </point>" . EOL . " </Placemark>" . EOL;
fwrite( $fh, $text );
fwrite( $fh, "</kml>" );
function exportGPX( $list )
$enteteXML = '<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><gpx version="1.1" creator="jpg2gpx" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><metadata><name>export_jpg2gpx_' . date("YmdHis") . '</name></metadata>' . EOL;
if ( ! $fh = fopen("export_jpg2gpx_" . date("YmdHis") . ".gpx", "w") )
$erreur = error_get_last();
echo "Erreur fopen ligne " . __LINE__ . " : " . $erreur["message"] . EOL;
exit (1);
fwrite( $fh, $enteteXML );
foreach ( $list as $ligne )
$text = '<wpt lat="' . str_replace( ",", ".", $ligne["latitude"]) . '" lon="' . str_replace( ",", ".", $ligne["longitude"]) . '">';
$text .= "<ele>" . $ligne["altitude"] . "</ele>";
$text .= "<time>" . $ligne["datetimeUTC"] . "</time>" . EOL;
$text .= "<name>" . basename($ligne["name"]) . "</name>" . EOL;
$text .= "<cmt>Généré automatiquement</cmt>" . EOL;
$text .= "<desc>" . $ligne["name"] . EOL;
if ( ! empty($ligne["datetimelocal"]) )
$text .= " Heure locale :" . $ligne["datetimelocal"];
$text .= "</desc>" . EOL;
$text .= "</wpt>" .EOL;
fwrite( $fh, $text );
fwrite( $fh, "</gpx>" );
function remplacevirgule ( $f )