2021-03-19 14:00:02 +00:00
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2021-03-19 14:00:02 +00:00
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< script src = "https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/8.2.10/firebase-firestore.js" > < / script >
< script >
// Your web app's Firebase configuration
var firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "AIzaSyD82Nx-gXXaPZq2Pl_JqvE0tQjABFNqdZA",
authDomain: "avions-poemes.firebaseapp.com",
databaseURL: "https://avions-poemes-default-rtdb.europe-west1.firebasedatabase.app",
projectId: "avions-poemes",
storageBucket: "avions-poemes.appspot.com",
messagingSenderId: "355611894383",
appId: "1:355611894383:web:c258c73f76581fac7fa39a"
// Initialize Firebase
var db = firebase.firestore();
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< a class = "navbar-brand" href = "#" > Avions Poèmes< / a >
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< a class = "nav-link" href = "#" data-toggle = "modal" data-target = "#aboutModal" > À propos< / a >
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< form class = "form-inline mt-2 mt-md-0" >
< input type = "button" class = "btn btn-warning my-2 my-sm-0" data-toggle = "modal" data-target = "#newPlaneModal" value = 'Envoyer un avion' >
< / input >
< / form >
< / div >
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<!-- map -->
< div id = "map" > < / div >
<!-- Paper Plane animation -->
< canvas id = "canvas3d" > < / canvas >
< canvas id = "blankCanvas" width = "400" height = "400" style = "border:1px solid #d3d3d3; display:none" > Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.< / canvas >
< img style = "display:none;" id = "front" src = "src/img/front.jpg" / >
< img style = "display:none;" id = "back" src = "src/img/back.jpg" / >
< script id = "planeFoldScript.txt" type = "not-javascript" >
d -200 200 -200 -200 200 -200 200 200
c 0 1 c 0 3 c 0 2 c 1 3
c 0 8 c 8 3 c 0 4 c 4 1
c 6 0 c 6 1 c 6 2 c 6 3
iad t 1200 ty 6 tx -3)
t 750 r 48 -179.99 21 0 10 r 55 -179.99 17 3 19 )
t 750 r 43 160 1 4 0 21 24 12 11 13 9 10)
t 700 ty -80 tx -60)
t 500 r 27 -80 3 19 5 22 2 a 3 )
t 500 r 23 -80 0 21 4 24 1 a 0)
t 1000 tx -35 z 0 0 0 il 100 100)
< / script >
<!-- Modal new plane -->
< div class = "modal fade" id = "newPlaneModal" tabindex = "-1" role = "dialog" aria-labelledby = "newPlaneModal" aria-hidden = "true" >
< div class = "modal-dialog modal-lg" role = "document" >
< div class = "modal-content" >
< div class = "modal-header" >
< h5 class = "modal-title" > Envoyer un avion< / h5 >
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< span aria-hidden = "true" > × < / span >
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< div class = "col-md-6" >
< div class = "form-group" >
< label for = "selectTime" > Temps de vol< / label >
< select class = "form-control" id = "selectTime" >
< option > Aléatoire< / option >
< option > 3,14 jours< / option >
< option > 7 jours< / option >
< option > 30 jours< / option >
< option > 365 jours< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< div class = "form-group" >
< label for = "messageTextArea" > Message< / label >
< div class = "form-control rounded-0" id = "messageTextArea" > < / div >
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< div class = "form-group" >
< label for = "expeMail" > Expediteur< / label >
< input type = "email" autocomplete = "off" class = "form-control" id = "expeMail" aria-describedby = "emailHelp" placeholder = "Addresse mail" >
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< / div >
< input type = "text" autocomplete = "off" class = "form-control typeahead" id = "expeGeocoderPhoton" placeholder = "Localisation" data-provide = "typeahead" >
< br >
< div class = "form-group" >
< label for = "destMail" > Destinataire< / label >
< input type = "email" autocomplete = "off" class = "form-control" id = "destMail" aria-describedby = "emailHelp" placeholder = "Addresse mail" >
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< / div >
< input type = "text" autocomplete = "off" class = "form-control typeahead" id = "destGeocoderPhoton" placeholder = "Localisation" data-provide = "typeahead" >
< br >
< div class = "form-check" >
< input type = "checkbox" class = "form-check-input" id = "publicMessage" >
< label class = "form-check-label" for = "publicMessage" > Message public< / label >
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< button type = "button" class = "btn btn-light" data-dismiss = "modal" > Annuler< / button >
< button type = "button" class = "btn btn-warning" id = "sendNewPlane" > Envoyer< / button >
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< p > Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.< / p >
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Site open source dédié à l'envoi d'avions-poèmes.
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